Ready or Not

Like a street light indicating what is about to happen, the apostle Peter penned his letters to the churches under his care in the hopes that they might be prepared for when it does. To him, and to the rest of the early church, the return of Jesus Christ was an imminent certainty, the single most important Day in the history of the world. Peter’s pastoral concern was for the readiness, holiness, and hope of the people of God.

Peter’s writings are no less instructive or relevant to the church today. We live under the constant awareness of how near we are to the end of time. But whether the end is tomorrow or another 2,000 years from now, the attitude and posture of the people of God remains the same. “Ready or Not” is a sermon series intended to recalibrate the mind and heart of Christ’s followers to think and live rightly in these last days.

Series Playlist

Ready or Not
Ready or Not
A Ready Hope
  • A Ready Hope

    A Ready Hope

    Nov 12, 2023 • 49:03

    The early church did not wait around for things to get bad before they began living as though they were in the end times. They lived with the conviction that Christ truly could return any minute. Theirs was a ready hope that kept their minds and hearts sober and watchful…

  • A Holy Hope

    A Holy Hope

    Nov 19, 2023 • 45:44

    A hopeful people are a ready people—sober, alert, and watchful for the Master’s imminent return. A ready people are a determined people—determined to live a certain way in the present as a response to the past and with anticipation of the future. A determined people are a holy people, who…

  • A Certain Hope

    A Certain Hope

    Nov 26, 2023 • 46:03

    The Christian hope is one that is certain, because it is built upon the objective reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in history and its fruit can be seen in lives that are transformed and made holy in love. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Ready or Not Scripture: I Peter 1:18-25

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