Tuesday Church Life Update

Greetings, beloved EMC family and friends!

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last published one of these church life updates. Please forgive me. Last week I traveled to Ohio to preach my grandmother’s funeral. She passed away peacefully at the age of 94 and we buried her 14 years to the day of when my grandfather (her husband) passed away. I was honored to conduct the service and proclaim the hope of the good news of Jesus Christ to my family, which includes several who are unsaved with children who heard the gospel for perhaps the first time in their lives. It was a bittersweet visit, but I am grateful to have been able to see my family and make it there and back in one piece. Thank you for your many cards and expressions of sympathy and encouragement. My family and I feel so loved by you, and I hope you know how much you are loved in return.

There are several important updates for this week that I would like to share below. Please take a few minutes to read this message in its entirety:

  • All group activities on campus have been cancelled or postponed for the month of May. We continue to monitor the directives from the White House and Governor’s office regarding the phased easing of restrictions, but for now it appears that the shelter-in-place order will continue at least through the end of the month.
  • It may be many months before “normal” church will resume. Even when restrictions begin to be lifted, rules will still be in place to limit mass gatherings. There will be an even longer period of time where it may be unsafe for certain folks to congregate, while many others may simply wish not to. In fact, I foresee the next 12-18 months as a season where we need to offer church in a variety of formats. We are preparing for it all. Please prepare yourself for our new “normal” with the assurance that whatever happens EMC will continue to carry out our vision and mission in faithfulness to Jesus however possible.
  • Bible study and prayer will be streamed live tomorrow night at 7pm on Facebook Live. Please join us for an hour of fellowship, study, and intercession.
  • If you know anyone struggling financially, please invite them to EMC’s drive-thru family night supper this coming Monday, May 11, from 5-7pm, hosted by the EMC women’s committee. The meal is free for our church family and people we know who may be struggling, but voluntary donations to offset costs would be greatly appreciated. This event will be a great no-contact, low pressure way to reach out, share the love of Christ, and provide for families in need.
  • This week is the final week that the Culpepper Inn will be providing breakfasts to make ends meet. Holly shared a post on their Facebook page a couple days ago expressing the dire situation they are facing right now, which I encourage you to read. This is a family from our own congregation who has given a lot to our church and community for many years, and they need our help.

    Sheri Dennis has shared with me an initiative to try to support the Audettes during this difficult season called the Culpepper Inn Challenge:

    Let’s come together to keep this Community-oriented Inn running! Keith Dennis and I are challenging ALL friends of Culpepper Inn (YOU) to join us in making a pledge to reserve a room once a month ($94 plus tax) at the Culpepper Inn through the summer (or to make whatever large or small donation you are able to make.) 80 Rooms a month are needed to be booked through September in order for the Inn to make it. Holly Audette and Michael Audette give tirelessly and selflessly to this community. We cannot standby and not help out in their time of need. Let’s be the hands and feet of Christ. May God bless and save the Inn!

    If you need more information on how you can help, please contact the church office. Let’s all pitch in however we are able to help this family weather this storm!

  • Tithes, offerings, and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

I know that was a lot to read through, but thank you for taking the time to stay on top of the latest happenings here at EMC. We will continue navigating our uncertain future together with our eyes fixed on Jesus. We have nothing to fear and everything to be grateful for. Keep me posted with any needs you might have. I can’t wait to see you all again!

In Him. With you.
Pastor Sean

Sean Scribner
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