With Me in Paradise

This is part 2 of our series on Jesus’ last words.  You can find part 1 here.

And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43 (NLT)

During Jesus’ last hours before his death, He hanged on a cross between two common criminals.

Both heard the crowd and soldiers scorning and mocking him. Jesus was innocent. He had done nothing wrong and yet he was suffering the same disgraceful fate as these two justly condemned deplorables next to him.

One of the criminals responded by joining in with those insulting Jesus. The other responded by confessing his own sin and begging Jesus for mercy.

We too, like the criminals on the cross, stand justly condemned before God. We are sinners, guilty as charged, having time after time broken God’s Law and left God’s path to follow our own (Isaiah 53:6). In these two thieves we can see the effect that the cross has on every person. 1 Corinthians 1:18 (NLT) says, “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”

In these two thieves we can see the effect that the cross has on every person.

Two Responses to Grace

For the one criminal, the cross hardened his heart to the end, and he died in his sin with the Savior just several feet away from him. His rejection and rebellion against God’s grace now haunts him for eternity.

The other thief has been wonderfully forgiven by the One who was crucified alongside him. This thief was just as guilty as his jeering counterpart, but instead, his heart was softened at the last moment. He recognized his sin against God. He repented and trusted that Jesus was the Messiah who has the power to forgive him.

Because he put his faith in Christ alone, he was instantly and fully forgiven. Jesus said to him, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” What an amazing picture of God’s mercy!

Choose This Day

Jesus’ words to the repentant criminal are an encouragement to us as our crimes against God are many. It is never too late to repent. But let us not fool ourselves and think that we can wait until we are on our deathbed to settle our accounts with God. We do not know when our last moment will be. We must be willing and able to face the reality of our sin.

Many people who encounter Jesus today, like the taunting criminal, harden their hearts and reject God’s grace. Jesus’ forgiveness of the repentant criminal reminds us that when we recognize our own sinfulness, and acknowledge who Christ really is, we can receive the salvation that He offers.

The repentant thief’s reward for accepting the salvation Jesus offers was instantaneous. That very day, he was to be with Jesus in Paradise. He would go from condemned to crowned all in the same day. He only had a moment to make a decision. You may have more time, but you may not.

Take an honest look at the condition of your heart. Confess your sin to God and accept the forgiveness and grace He offers through Jesus.

Jeff Wortman
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