Membership is an important aspect of church life that we at EMC value greatly. It is a formalization of shared life together in Christ through common identity and mission. Members enjoy certain rights and privileges within the church that non-members do not have. Membership also consists of certain duties and responsibilities. At EMC we desire all persons who are saved by Christ and are committed to God's vision and mission for our church to become formal members of this local body of believers.

Christ Jesus Himself is the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord...a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:20-22)

As a denomination, the Evangelical Methodist Church is both connectional and congregational. This means that the entire denomination operates under a constitution enacted by the General Conference and abides by a common Discipline, yet each individual church retains property rights and is vested with the authority to choose its own pastor. This authority resides in the church's official members, who alone are eligible for the Board of Stewards, Board of Trustees, elected officers, and voting body. While anyone is welcome to worship, fellowship, grow, and serve at EMC, only members can prayerfully determine the church's direction under the Lordship of Christ.

For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (Romans 12:4-5)

Church membership is not a requirement for salvation, nor is it a New Testament mandate. However, we strongly believe that it is a way of officially identifying oneself with a local body of believers. It is a statement that a Christian is in agreement with that local church and is willing to be identified as a representative of it.

Membership Process

The first step to becoming a member is to indicate your interest to the pastoral staff. You will then be placed in a membership class, which covers all the various aspect of membership in two 1-hr sessions. Once you have completed the class and meet all requirements for eligibility, you will enter into membership during a special Membership Sunday ceremony before the congregation.

Contact us today to begin the process.